The Initiative for Early Lung Cancer Research on Treatment program launched from the recognition that with an increase in screening-detected Stage I lung cancer diagnoses, there needs to be an emphasis on improving the treatment of these early stage lung cancers. This study addresses the long-term survival, quality of life (QoL), and recurrence rates in a multi-institutional cohort of 5,000 Stage I lung cancer patients by comparing those undergoing:

1. limited resection, lobectomy, or radiotherapy,

2. mediastinal lymph node resection (MLNR) versus none (for specific subtypes), and

3. “watchful waiting” as an alternative to immediate treatment (for specific subtypes).

The principal Investigators oversee the conduct of all study activities at Mount Sinai Health System and participate in overall study discussions with the PIs of the participating institutions. The clinical research coordinators will meet with and enroll patients into the study; collect patient pre- and post- treatment information via questionnaires and forms; collect physician pre- and post-treatment information via questionnaires; enter data collected into database; and complete study reports.

There are regular meetings and conference calls to discuss the status of the study. The study activities and results are featured at least twice a year at international conferences. Education sessions are held to disseminate study information and results of analyses. Analysis results are used to refine the research on treatment and ultimately the treatment of lung cancer.

September 19-21, 2024
New York, NY